Friday, February 03, 2006

speak. the phenomenon.

In the last few weeks, I have written more than I did during my entire undergrad matriculation. That is not to say that I haven't been having fun doing this... I feel like I've found a purpose - to bore everyone with my thoughts about random situations. In the last few weeks, I've talked about the quarter-life crisis (back in the day…), free love (spreading seeds in secret gardens), how to get those digits (mack on, playa), niggas (believe me, there is plenty more material for that), friends with benefits (gotta love it), wingmen (the things you'll do for your friends) and jealousy among other things.

I feel as if I'm starting to grow through these random tantrums (hey, that rhymed!) on reality (my own twisted version) and I hope you are as well. I'm not writing too much today because I need to do some real work today and I need to focus on some future topics. Feel free to drop a line or a suggestion about the work you viewed on the blog. Re-read some older ones (hint, click on the links for a specific topic), hell, comment on those too (I still check them all). Thank you all for taking this journey with me and this first month so fun. I promise it's only going to get better.

I'll holler at y'all on Tuesday – I’ll be still recuperating from my birthday week/Super Bowl Sunday. Remember to hit up Brittastic on Monday. Be safe – and come on back, y’hear?

P.S. If you happen to incur any haters – feel free to pimp-slap them until they come to their senses – it’s OK…

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