Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Bootleg Hitch Chronicles, Vol. VI.: "Are You Sure You're Worth It?"

A few years ago, a good friend of mine (a successful lawyer) was attending a medical student association function with his cousin. Knowing that some fine, professional ladies with high EPs (earnings potential) were gonna be in the building, he asked me my advice on how he should approach the situation. After giving him the open mouth blank stare for a few seconds, I responded incredulously.

"What the hell are you talking about? You are a lawyer, well-dressed, Christian, no kids, no diseases, no stalkers. Dude, YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE, NOT THEM." After digesting this for a few seconds, he came to the realization that I was indeed correct and proceeded to rake in the ladies that night. Sadly, this type of thought process plays out daily across the dating scene. One person sits back nervously wondering how to approach the one who's caught their eye that night, when their swagger should be on 1000. I've advised countless people about dating and relationships, but one axiom is true above all; you have to know your worth to operate effectively. This is not to be confused with confidence, which a person can have for no apparent reason. Understanding your worth is knowing the value you bring to a situation.

What's the importance of knowing your worth? It's best to look at this from both eyes of both sexes. For men, this concept is crucial when it comes to approaching the opposite sex. Women can smell an unsure, weak-minded male from a mile away and will eat him alive. A man who understands his worth knows that what his strengths and weaknesses are and is able to navigate himself into a position of strength in an initial conversation. A man who knows his worth knows that if a woman rejects him, there are five around the corner who would be glad to go out with him. It's also important in relationships. He doesn't feel the need to control every aspect of the relationship, he's not intimidated when she makes more money than him, and she doesn't have to wear a GPS device when she leaves the house.

For women, it's just as important but for different reasons. A man will treat a woman with no sense of worth like a straw wrapper (straw wrapper, you ask? It's only got one use, and once it's fulfilled that use, you toss it away and don't think twice about it).

A woman who understands her worth won't settle for a bad man but also doesn't set unrealistic expectations for her future soul mate. She can see how good a man is even if he doesn't have to degree or the BMW.

The most important thing about knowing your own worth is that you don't lie to yourself. If you have to lie, lie to your mom, brother, spouse, best friend, pastor, ANYBODY BUT YOURSELF. You can't come out the house looking like a circus monkey, thinking you're about to pull Halle Berry. Your job at the strip club? Great for the pocketbook, bad in his mom's book. I'm not judging, just stating facts. The more real you are with yourself, the easier life is for everybody.

So what do you guys think? How important is it to know your worth? And better yet, how was it to date or be in a relationship with someone who didn't know their worth?

Deuces to you all, my good people.

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