Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Remorse Code.

What's good, folks? Hope all is good with you. 'Tis the season to be jolly or whatever sappy holiday greeting would suffice in this section. Fa la la and all that jazz. Personally, the holidays have always been a hassle with me. I no longer reside in the City of Wind but the majority of my immediate family does. This means that I have stockpile what monies I have to incur the expense of travel expenses to go home to sleep in my unheated old room on a lumpy twin mattress after trying to see everyone on my list of people to see (yes, I realize this is a run-on sentence but this is how frazzled I feel trying to fit six months worth of visits into one trip). It can be really unnerving.

To top it off, I have to purchase for this mass of people. I have a pretty big family and all of them generally have their palms extended to see what nice gift I've brought them. Don't get me wrong, I love them all dearly - it just costs a lot in doing so. Regardless, I'm still happy to do for them; especially when I see the looks on their faces when they open that manicured package wrapped in some colorful, festive paper that I paid someone else to wrap for me. It's worth every penny.

The problem is purchasing just the right thing. I'm a bit finicky when it comes to picking out just the right thing (on my meager budget). I've burned before when going on the premise of "whatever you get me will be fine". That's code for pester me with questions until I can ingrain in your head what I really want. I've had too many years of "oh, that's nice" while the recipient has searched hi and lo for the gift receipt while I think in my head that it seemed perfect when I left the department store. It's nothing worse than having the feeling of failure bound about in your head with boughs of holly, day-old eggnog and Uncle Roscoe's story about him, the lady with the shifty eyes and a bottle of 151.

That's why I'm meticulous in my gift decision making.

In fact, I try to be that way in my decision making but not all of it. No one should dedicate all their time to figuring things out. Generally things don't work out well when people do that. No one really likes an over-analytical person.

You know those folks. They pore over minuscule details, trying to figure out if this is the best decision for them. Once they've come to grips that their decision is good, they feel good. Unfortunately, there are those who take so much time trying make the decision it gets made for them.

Por ejemplo (that's for example in Spanish):

They're shopping at the mall/shopping center/local Hustler store and they see something that strikes their fancy. It's definitely caught their eye but they can't come to terms on whether if they want it or not so they decide to come back when they know for sure.

Fast forward to a later date.

They make the choice to go and pick up the item only to discover that [it's not there/not the right size/more expensive] than was stated before. They end up [insert sad adjective], lamenting the fact that they had it right in their hands only to let it slip away.

My thoughts on this:


Sucks to be you.

This is what I like to call Buyers Remorse Reversed, or B.R.R.

You had your chance and that B.R.R. left you in the cold. It's too late to go back and get what you wanted how you wanted it. If you had only taken the time to act on your opportunity, you wouldn't be all sour puss in the face.

You'd be enjoying your item of pleasure and talking about what a great deal you had and how lucky you were to get it before someone else scooped it up.

Now that you know about that B.R.R., don't get left out in the cold this holiday season. I gotta go pay somebody to wrap some tidings of great joy.

That's my time.

- Mr. Smart Guy

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